Here in the UK, I remember a CO by the name of Barry Birtles. He and his wife were both devoid of any emotional intelligence, and were cold fish. He was an extremely didactic teacher and came across as quite conceated. I understand that he took his forced retirement very badly at the time. He was retired to Liverpool as a special pioneer. I don't know if he still fulfills that role bearing in mind WT's reduction in number of such appointments. His demeanour was really quite exceptional - can't over state that. Most would not want to come across an individual who is so self absorbed ever again. Pity those poor sods up in Liverpool. Not one ounce of pity for such a cold, conceited, arrogant man.
Nicholaus Kopernicus
JoinedPosts by Nicholaus Kopernicus
Your feelings for the former travelling overseers
by Hecce induring our wt life we met a good number of friends involved in the circuit and district work.
i am sure that we share the same experience and that we remember fondly some that we caring, loving and generally interested in the brothers.
at the same time we might remember others that were arrogant, selfish, abusive and oppressive.
Advanced Warning I - WT August 2016 "Study" articles re "Reaching Out"
by Nicholaus Kopernicus inthe brief outline for this item makes reference to the most recent wt on the subject of "reaching out" (august 2016 - pages 20 - 29) if you are a jehovah's witness and thinking about becoming a ministerial servant or elder, then please consider the following information prior to attending the kh for this week’s wt “study” and the week after.
first - if you hope to become an elder, in the uk you will also become a charitable trustee.
you will not be given any training for this part of your role.
Nicholaus Kopernicus
In my local congregation, one if the paragraphs focussed upon was paragraph 4 - ".... If we were to brood over disappointments, we could become very discouraged..." However, the authors miss the point that the prime source of duscouragement is the content of the meetings being so banal, repetitive, and highly eisegetal.
Rather outrageous was paragraph 11 wherein it was said... "And as we read our Bible-based publications, we can discern God’s thinking on many matters." The authors are truly elevating their literature above scripture. It's publication idolatry.
Advanced Warning II - August 2016 WT "Study" articles re "Reaching Out"
by Nicholaus Kopernicus inthe brief outline for this item makes reference to the most recent wt on the subject of "reaching out" (august 2016 - pages 20 - 29) if you are a jehovah's witness and thinking about becoming a ministerial servant or elder, then please consider the following information prior to attending the kh for this week’s wt “study” and the week after.
if you are a jw who is practicing as a health or social care professional, then the information below is especially pertinent.. .
in the uk, if you are a member of one of the caring professions, you will likely have to undertake mandatory child protection training.
Nicholaus Kopernicus
The brief outline for this item makes reference to the most recent WT on the subject of "reaching out" (August 2016 - pages 20 - 29) If you are a Jehovah's Witness and thinking about becoming a Ministerial Servant or Elder, then please consider the following information prior to attending the KH for this week’s WT “Study” and the week after. If you are a JW who is practicing as a health or social care professional, then the information below is especially pertinent.
In the UK, if you are a member of one of the caring professions, you will likely have to undertake mandatory child protection training. This is divided into different levels for different professional roles. Level 4 training is reserved for individuals who are named professionals - this includes named doctors, named nurses, named health visitors, named midwives (in organizations delivering maternity services), named health professionals in ambulance trusts and named GPs for primary care organizations. All NHS Trusts must have a named doctor, and nurse, for safeguarding, who will provide advice and expertise for fellow professionals and promote good practice within their organization.
Level 3 mandatory training provides a thorough understanding of child protection by covering a breadth of topics relevant to anybody with a responsibility for safeguarding children and young people. This includes... child development and negative influences on it; parenting capacity; the forms of abuse and signs of abuse; recognizing and responding to abuse, with specific guidance on note taking and recording your concerns; lessons learned from recent serious case reviews; the legal framework; working together and good practice.
Level 2 mandatory training is designed for anyone who comes into contact with children through their work or leisure activities and aims to provide a practical awareness of the issues relating to the protection of children.
BoE are not provided with any of the above levels of training (including level 1 not mentioned here). They have a policy furnished from the USA (in 2016 slightly amended and circulated again) and which does not reflect the legal nuances of protection legislation outside the USA (nor perhaps inside the USA!). BoE are instructed to approach their branch upon receipt of any allegation of child abuse. There is no indication that those in the branch who might receive such a call are themselves the beneficiaries of any of the training levels mentioned above. The policy which is put before elders to follow, is one which has empirically demonstrated the priority of protecting the want of the WTBTS for secrecy, rather than protection of the child. This in turn is giving rise to very polemical controversies and causing some governments to give attention to the WTBTS which attention they'd probably he happier not to receive. So too is it engendering consternation on the part of many brothers and sisters who become aware of the situation and contributes to them embarking on a path of dissent by stealth.
I have recently undertaken level 3 mandatory training and would like to share just a little of the content which serves to show the gulf between the thinking and likely actions of child protectors, verses the callous and didactic self interest pursuits of the WTBTS.
Definition of child abuse:"The abuse of children occurs when there is deliberate or non-deliberate mistreatment; or when the direct or indirect actions of an individual or organization fail to protect children from significant harm or affects diversely their physical, psychological and emotional development of wellbeing".
Readers may readily see the WTBTS fitting into that part of the definition which I've highlighted in bold. Were the WTBTS the example of love which they so frequently assert, then their present functioning would not so readily fall into place in the highlighted definition surely.
Hidden child abuse:"One of the biggest problems in determining the presence of child abuse is the fact that much of it goes unnoticed or unreported."
The way the WTBTS deals with the matter is such that it reinforces abuse events being unreported. The channel of communication is designated narrowly as the BoE and the branch legal desk. There is no evidence that this channel of communication serves to protect a child at risk.
The trained carer vs the untrained elder: "There may be occasions when a vulnerable child discloses to you about abuse that he or she has suffered. In this situation, you must remember that there are specialist police officers and social workers trained to investigate such disclosures.
In such circumstance, you may want to ask the child a lot of questions about the alleged abuse that has been disclosed. You must remember however that this is not your role.
In a situation where a child discloses, your role is to find out just enough about the alleged abuse in order to make a decision whether or not the disclosure should be referred. You may need to ask the child to clarify what is being said. You must ensure in these cases that you never use questions that would lead the child to give you a certain response.
It is essential that you do not 'contaminate' any of the evidence provided by the child by asking leading questions or putting words into the child's mouth as this could affect the case, should it later end in court.
If possible, you should write down phrases and words whilst the child is talking. These will be useful to trigger your memory when you come to recall and record your full notes following the disclosure.
Immediately following the disclosure, it is very important to record exactly what the child said in as much detail as you can remember. It is very important to use the child’s own words and vocabulary even if the words do not make a great deal of sense. It is vital that the record is of what the child actually said rather than your interpretation."
The paradigm above is one of listening and noting carefully, and being ready to refer the situation to individuals with the appropriate level of expertise - the Child Protection teams as part of local authority social services here in the UK. This paradigm serves to protect the child.
This is just a very small amount of the level 3 training. Yet it is readily noticeable that there is a huge gulf between that expected of those care professionals (listen, record, refer to appropriate expertise) who might receive a disclosure, and BoE who could receive a disclosure (contact branch legal desk). Were a member of a BoE to also be a care professional, how could he limit himself to the guidance of the WTBTS? He would be putting his professional registration at risk! Even if a member of the BoE were not to receive a disclosure, how can he continue as an elder knowing the gulf and indeed conflict between that expected in his elder role and that expected in his professional role? Surely he must conclude that the policy of the WTBTS is one which - de facto - sacrifices child safety in favour of the organisation's preference for secrecy? Surely he must see that the "legalism" articulated by Ray Franz is alive and well in this 21st century, and that within the WTBTS love sinking?
Note too the hypocrisy in the second article about reaching out (page 23 para 13) wherein it is said: “At time, though, by vigorously defending yourself, you make a problem worse.” This is rather shocking for the GBoJW to publish since they are at the very forefront in vigorously defending themselves and making a problem worse. For example – the Britain Branch’s attempt to obstruct the Charity Commission’s investigations re child safeguarding. In the USA, there is also Bro Losch’s refusal to be yielding in response to a subpoena by the California Supreme Court on a matter of child abuse. What was that oft published counsel to be yielding to the superior authorities?
Bearing in mind the high standard for child protection in the UK and the laxity of protection on the part of the WTBTS, you might wish to think twice before reaching out for appointment as a MS or elder in the WTBTS / Cong’s of JWs. Reaching out in this organization serves only to imperil you in many ways. Thus, there is plenty of scope to reflect upon Jesus’ sage advice: “… You must be as shrewd as serpents and as innocent as doves. You must be careful. You must be discerning. You must be on your guard.” Matthew 10:16,17 (Voice translation).
Advanced Warning I - WT August 2016 "Study" articles re "Reaching Out"
by Nicholaus Kopernicus inthe brief outline for this item makes reference to the most recent wt on the subject of "reaching out" (august 2016 - pages 20 - 29) if you are a jehovah's witness and thinking about becoming a ministerial servant or elder, then please consider the following information prior to attending the kh for this week’s wt “study” and the week after.
first - if you hope to become an elder, in the uk you will also become a charitable trustee.
you will not be given any training for this part of your role.
Nicholaus Kopernicus
The brief outline for this item makes reference to the most recent WT on the subject of "reaching out" (August 2016 - pages 20 - 29) If you are a Jehovah's Witness and thinking about becoming a Ministerial Servant or Elder, then please consider the following information prior to attending the KH for this week’s WT “Study” and the week after.
First - if you hope to become an elder, in the UK you will also become a charitable trustee. You will not be given any training for this part of your role. Your details will be sent to the Charity Commission. As an elder and charitable trustee, you might at some time be unable to agree with the BoE on a matter. Nevertheless, the WTBTS expects you to acquiesce with the majority. Yet you will be legally held responsible for your individual decision as a trustee.
Second - if you hope to become an elder, you will likely be given copious assignments and become very busy. You are expected to be yielding and accept these assignments - even if it means that you have to sacrifice time with your family (time which you cannot recover). You will also be expected to attend elders' schools. One such school not that long ago included a video of elders visiting a sister who was suicidal. Whilst elders are acknowledged to be health professionals, yet what I saw on that video was not realistic, not competent, and likely to be psychologically damaging to an individual in genuine distress. It was significant, that those who compiled this video with the intention of instructing elders, did not at any time consult any health professionals as to helpful approaches. This video was also shown earlier in 2016 at a CLAM.
Third - you will be given a copy of the elders' secret book (Shepherd the Flock of God) and will be expected to keep this secret from your wife and family members. You might find the contents of this book to be surprisingly generous with rules and scarce in spirituality.
Fourth - the WTBTS / GBoJW portrays being appointed as an elder as a "privilege". This word is used a lot in "the truth" but for an alternative etymological consideration of the word and its use (some would say overuse) then consider visiting this site which explores the question - "Are We Privileged"?....
A previous WT article on the matter of reaching out stated: "satisfying the Scriptural requirements falls primarily on the individual who is reaching out." This rather suggests that once you have reasonably met the scriptural requirements, you will be appointed. However, the article does not give any mention of existing elders' subjectivity in looking at non-scriptural qualifications such as your ministry hours. Elders may have other qualifications which they expect you to meet without any scriptural justification / reference.
Fifth - you don't really have to reach out to me a ministerial servant or an elder to lead a full Christian life pleasing to almighty God. For example, the WT of Sept 2014 stated - "If you serve Jehovah faithfully wherever you are and whatever you do, you are a success.” That's a nice encouraging thought. In a WT study going further back in time (Nov 2011 = “Train Others to Reach Out”), a similar positive thought was expressed - "Of course, a brother does not have to be a ministerial servant or an elder in order to help others and have a full share in the ministry."
For many elders already in post they are quite busy chaps as has been already mentioned. Indeed many become stressed such is the combined workload of their secular occupation, family commitments, and WT expectations. It is not uncommon for males who become elders to experience a significant amount of stress in consequence. This can affect relationships. It can lead to elders projecting their stresses onto others unconsciously. Some even project their stresses from the lectern during speaking assignments. Yet this is not necessary and is entirely preventable. The Awake of June 2010 featured three articles about stress. In one such article the following sage advice was given....
"God expects us humbly to acknowledge that we have physical, mental, and emotional limits and that we cannot do everything we would like to do. As difficult as this can be, we may need to learn when and how to say no to demands that exceed what we realistically can handle." (AW - June 2010. "Keeping Stress Under Control" page 9).
Sixth - you may be shocked at the divergence between BoE's as portrayed in WT literature and the reality. BoE seldom use scripture at their elder's meetings as depicted. There tends to be a lot of politicking with eventual deference being shown to the elder with the strongest personality. This was my experience anyway, and many ex-elders have written blogs indicative of a similar reality in their experience. However, if you still want to be appointed as an elder, consider getting third party liability insurance to protect yourself, your family, and your estate.
Evidence of condescending thinking on the part of the GBoJW / Writing Committee.
by Nicholaus Kopernicus insource: july 2016 “study” watchtower.. .
page 11 paragraph 17.. “we should not imitate the people of ‘the nations,’ who have no real faith in a loving heavenly father who cares for those who put the interests of his kingdom first in their life.”.
page 16 paragraph 13.
Nicholaus Kopernicus
Source: July 2016 “study” Watchtower.
Page 11 paragraph 17.
“We should not imitate the people of ‘the nations,’ who have no real faith in a loving heavenly Father who cares for those who put the interests of his Kingdom first in their life.”
Page 16 paragraph 13
“Many are so wrapped up in their mundane affairs of life...”
Page 17 paragraph 14
“Instead, we must regularly associate with fellow Christians at our congregation meetings, where God’s sprit is present.”
Page 23 paragraph 11
“By their preaching and teaching work, they [the anointed remnant] have brought millions of ‘other sheep’ into a righteous standing before Jehovah.”
The last paragraph in the Insight Volume I under humility states:
“False humility can actually result in developing haughtiness in the individual, for he may tend to think he is righteous on his own merit; or he may feel that he is accomplishing his ends, not realizing that he cannot deceive Jehovah. If haughtiness develops, he will in time be humbled in a way that he will not enjoy. He will be brought low, and it may be to his own destruction.—Pr 18:12; 29:23.”
WT “Study” for 18th Sept 2016 – “Grateful Recipients of God’s Undeserved Kindness”
by Nicholaus Kopernicus in“life is to short” has commented on the above study in terms of grace being translated as undeserved kindness in the nwt.
the analysis is quite interesting.. here in this thread, i will be opening up other facets of the “study”.
for example.... paragraph 11 applies the daniel 12:3 phrase – “those having insight” to the “anointed remnant”.
Nicholaus Kopernicus
DATA-DOG made the interesting and perceptive observation that "They are poor teachers". I concur entirely.
Scripture appeals to us to "follow his steps closely" (1 Pet 2:21) in reference to Jesus. He was referred to as Rabbi (teacher) and thus the authors of the "study" Watchtower under the supervision of the GBoJW give evidence of abandoning the Apostle Peter's advice.
1 Tim 3:2 states that "overseers" should be "qualified to teach" and clearly these ones evidence they are not, for they have been appointed to their level of incompetence (Peter Principle). This is not an accident or otherwise inadvertent occurance.
It has taken place in the context of the GBoJW having withdrawn the Statement of Purpose from the Watchtower (study edition) from Jan 2013 onwards. Thus, their poor quality teaching is contrived and is another dimension of their wanton lawlessness (2 Thess 2:3).
WT “Study” for 18th Sept 2016 – “Grateful Recipients of God’s Undeserved Kindness”
by Nicholaus Kopernicus in“life is to short” has commented on the above study in terms of grace being translated as undeserved kindness in the nwt.
the analysis is quite interesting.. here in this thread, i will be opening up other facets of the “study”.
for example.... paragraph 11 applies the daniel 12:3 phrase – “those having insight” to the “anointed remnant”.
Nicholaus Kopernicus
“life is to short” has commented on the above study in terms of Grace being translated as undeserved kindness in the NWT. The analysis is quite interesting.
Here in this thread, I will be opening up other facets of the “study”. For example...
Paragraph 11 applies the Daniel 12:3 phrase – “those having insight” to the “anointed remnant”. It goes on to claim that “By their preaching and teaching work, they have brought millions of ‘other sheep’ into a righteous standing before Jehovah”.
Well this is a tall tall claim. It is in conflict with Hebrews 1:1,2 where scripture describes God as having used the prophets in times past, but more recently he has used Jesus. No other individual is identified in scripture as an intermediary. Neither is “anointed remnant” a scriptural phrase, but rather, an invention of the GBoJW! In that they are pointing to themselves as being the ones responsible for millions being brought into this righteous standing, they are leaving themselves open to accusations of arrogance. For example, assuming that these millions of JW’s are seen by God as righteous, couldn’t his Holy Spirit or his Son Jesus have had something to do with it? Why only credit the “anointed remnant”? Even in the world there is humility wherein it is widely accepted that “Self praise is no recommendation / honour!” Their claiming this role for themselves is also a form of scredotalism and thus merges their structure and position with that seen in Christendom, whom they disdain with every breath! At the end of this paragraph, they quote Rom 3:23,24 but their claim to have brought people to a righteous standing is still inexcusable!
Paragraph 14 mentions that individuals can receive comfort for their hearts (Ps. 51:17). It is good that they mention that this comfort comes from God because if you are a Jehovah’s Witness you will most seriously need such comfort. I do! I need it a lot! Why so? Simply because of the “harshness” and “tyranny” (Ezek 34:4) with which the GBoJW and it’s temple policemen (BoE) treat people. So it’s a bit rich for them to be preaching and teaching comfort when they are so readily disposed to wreak havoc in peoples’ lives.
Paragraph 16 states that “we should not presumptuously think that he condones all conduct.... These unfaithful Christians apparently thought that they could sin and then count on Jehovah to forgive them.” Again, this is really rich coming from the GBoJW! Why has nearly every other religious organisation apologised for the child abuses which have taken place, but the GBoJW continues to be in denial? Why do they teach us to be submissive to the superior authorities when Losch avoids the Supreme Court of California? Why did the GBoJW instruct elders to destroy legal papers when the British inquiry into child abuse stated that any legal papers should be retained? Why have they for years been teaching that the UNO is the disgusting thing that causes desolation when the WTBTS have been members of same? One could go on and on...
Why is it that the “study” articles are so dull, so lifeless, so conflicted, so confused? Why are the WTBTS meetings so banal, tiresome, repetitive, and even soporific? Maybe it is in part because the GBoJW and its authors are thinking more of themselves than it is necessary to think rather than thinking to have a sound mind (Rom 12:3). They marginalise the refreshing teachings of Jesus who is hardly mentioned nowadays. At the meetings, scripture is hardly mentioned. Could be that the GBoJW exemplify the disposition of the “Man of Lawlessness”!
WT “Study” for 11th Sept 2016 – “Why Must We ‘Keep on the Watch’”?
by Nicholaus Kopernicus ini was really puzzled when i opened this edition of the wt magazine at the above “study”.
what on earth has this picture at the top of page 13 got to do with christian watchfulness?
i wasn’t making a connection at all.
Nicholaus Kopernicus
That the GBOJW and their "helpers" expect people to be seated and silent during their self-extolled music betrays a lack of understanding of human nature on their part.
When folks gather together they naturally talk, converse, interact. In all likelihood this will continue and thus, the GBoJW's direction will be de facto ignored / forgotten. People are people. That they are seen as otherwise by the GBoJW's is folly on their part.
The content of this "study" article is specious, spurious, and vacuous. There is not the enthusiasm in the audience for answering up that there used to be. The poor quality of the written output undermines attendance and participation. The GBoJW don't get that!
WT “Study” for 11th Sept 2016 – “Why Must We ‘Keep on the Watch’”?
by Nicholaus Kopernicus ini was really puzzled when i opened this edition of the wt magazine at the above “study”.
what on earth has this picture at the top of page 13 got to do with christian watchfulness?
i wasn’t making a connection at all.
Nicholaus Kopernicus
I was really puzzled when I opened this edition of the WT magazine at the above “study”. What on earth has this picture at the top of page 13 got to do with Christian watchfulness? I Wasn’t making a connection at all. I thought of the early 60s movie “The Music Man” with Robert Preston and the rousing musical piece....
Seventy-six trombones led the big parade
With a hundred and ten coronets close at hand.
They were followed by rows and rows of the finest virtuosos,
The dream of ev’ry famous band.
But Hollywood is nothing to do with this “study” article. Then I began to look more closely. I noticed the brother in the foreground manipulating his cellphone. Ah! Ha! Maybe he’s being watchful by checking his news app to discern world news events. Nope! Then there are the three brothers and two sisters who made the effort to attend this convention on time so that they could enjoy some wholesome and up building association! After all, the literature of the GBoJW always extols attendance at their arrangements partly for that purpose. But I thought again – nope! That can’t be it. Wholesome and up building association is fine and good, but this “study” professes to be about watchfulness. So I’m still not getting it! Oh dear! Am I getting slow or what? Then I looked at the solitary fellow on the platform sitting on his chorus and verse. Ah! Ha! It’s beginning to click. This picture is suggesting that we should all be like him when the music starts at the convention. We should all be seated on our chorus and verses, be still, and be silent. That’s what the GBoJW is really getting at! But then again, that has nothing whatever to do with Christian watchfulness!
Then I began to realize that this is just another appalling attempt of the GBoJW to try and influence folks to sit down and shut up for the 10 minutes of music at each day of the convention. So why do they have to control people so? Maybe they are trying to elevate the status of their musical compositions in the minds of JW’s rather like they have been elevating the importance of their literature – almost having the same authority as scripture! What an outrage I then began to say to myself. The enigma had departed from my mind and I realized that this was another “Theocratic direction”!
Yet, even if I took the claimed authority and status of the GBoJW as it is portrayed, it is still outrageous. They claim to be the Faithful & Discreet Slave, despite Hebrews 1:1,2 stating that God “spoke on many occasions and in many ways to our forefathers by means of the prophets” but “at the end of these days spoken to us by means of a Son, whom he appointed heir of all things...” So this scripture states that it is God’s Son who is the personage through whom God communicates. No intermediary such as a FDS here. Similarly, 1 Cor 11:3 states that “... the head of every an is the Christ" and so there’s no room for an intermediary here either! But even if the Bible is wrong and the GBoJW is right, then how does telling people to sit down and shut up during 10 minutes of music fall within their claimed remit to “give ... food at the proper time...” (Matt 24:45) There is a difference between giving food (literally or metaphorically) and telling people to be seated and shut up (arrogant control). So they exceed their own claimed mandate! What a damned cheek!
Well, this article has started so badly that I can hardly bear to read the rest of it! I’ll just wait and hear what the brothers and sisters have to say on Sunday. One thing I do know is that the brothers and sisters in my and neighbouring congregations exemplify those in the foreground of the photo. Having a nice chat, enjoying each others’ company, messaging, enjoying wholesome and up building conversation. This “kill joy” paradigm of the GBoJW may be just the catalyst for others to see the GBoJW and their “helpers” for what they really are!
Shepherding Visit Riposte
by Nicholaus Kopernicus inif an elder approaches you and wants to arrange a shepherding call one possible response is..... "well thankyou brother, but jehovah is my shepherd.
i shall lack nothing.
(ps 23:1) but thanks again anyway".
Nicholaus Kopernicus
You say that "... they wouldn't dare coming anywhere near me... “
That is such a nice position to be in. Can you elaborate at all as to how you managed to get your BoE to avoid you?